Gym Limitations Workouts – Exercise Ball, 15 Minute, Total Body

Resources » Hotel Gym Workouts » Gym Limitations Workouts – Exercise Ball, 15 Minute, Total Body

How to use an exercise ball to supplement workouts when the gym is not available

An exercise ball is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used to supplement workouts when the gym is not available. Here are some of the ways you can use an exercise ball to get a great workout at home:

  • Core exercises: The instability of the exercise ball makes it a great way to challenge your core muscles. Try doing crunches, planks, and bird dogs on the ball to strengthen your abs, obliques, and back.
  • Strength exercises: You can also use the exercise ball to do strength exercises for your upper body and lower body. Try doing push-ups, squats, and lunges on the ball to build muscle and strength.
  • Balance exercises: The exercise ball can also be used to improve your balance and coordination. Try doing exercises like the half-kneeling ball squat and the side plank on the ball to challenge your balance.
  • Stretching exercises: The exercise ball can also be used to stretch your muscles. Try doing exercises like the hamstring stretch and the quad stretch on the ball to improve your flexibility.

If you’re new to exercise balls, start with some basic exercises and gradually increase the difficulty as you get stronger. It’s also important to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them.

Here is a workout we put together you can do with an exercise ball


Exercise Ball 15 min

After the warm up, perform each WORKOUT moves for 40 seconds, resting 20 seconds between moves. These moves will be performed consecutively for a 15 minute workout. If time allows, repeat the WORKOUT for a 30 minute burn!


Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds
Sun Salutations – 30 seconds
Exercise Ball, Side-to-Side Trunk Rotations – 30 seconds
Exercise Ball, Reverse Lunge w/ Ball Raise – 30 seconds


Boing Pushups on Exercise Ball
Standing Mountain Climbers
Plank Core Circles on Exercise Ball
Diamond Pushups on Exercise Ball
High Knees
Sphinx, Knee to Elbow on Exercise Ball
Staggered Hand Pushups
Plyo Skaters
Plank, Knees to Chest w/ Exercise Ball
Down Dog to “Under the Fence” Pushups
Exercise Ball Burpees on One Leg
Banana Hold, Exercise Ball Switch (Hands to Legs)
Squat w/ Exercise Ball Overhead Lift
Pike Pushup
Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl

Resources » Hotel Gym Workouts » Gym Limitations Workouts – Exercise Ball, 15 Minute, Total Body

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